Monday, June 18, 2012

As the saying goes, a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office!

I had a bit of an emotional breakdown at the grocery store before my second cooking adventure, which would be telapia (a type of fish). I kept nearly chickening out, grabbing frozen breaded salmon and then feverishly replacing it in its freezer. I had never cooked raw fish before, and I didn't recognize the names of the fish as at my homestead we only cooked with scallops, shrimp, and salmon. After about 10 minutes of whining on the inside about trying something new and scary, I settled on a cut of tilapia that included a recipe on the wrapping, as the recipe would know what's up with how to cook this damn fish, if I couldn't find a recipe online. Silly me.

It was also my first time cooking for a friend, my dear Big Sister, Eleni. Although Eleni is just about the nicest food critic you would ever meet, I was still nervous that we would have to put on our jackets and take a trip to Renzos, the local pizza shop, if all of my efforts were a bust. Luckily, fish are friends and food, and therefore it seems to be pretty hard to screw it up.

The tilapia took about three minutes to prepare, just a bit of seasoning and pop it in the oven. Cook until it flakes when you put a fork to it.    

I had also been wanting to try a two-person apple crisp recipe. I knew it would be super easy, but just to be safe I bought a six-pack of cupcakes just in case it didn't work out. Fortunately, it tasted delicious, and in true fatty fashion we ate the cupcakes too :).
The apple crisp took two apples, and two parts oats to two parts butter to two parts brown sugar. I'm sure I can make it using healthier ingredients, but this one will do for now.

Despite the ingredients being bought across multiple grocery store trips, I think this meal cost me around $15 bucks to make. That's a soup and salad from Uno's sans tip. Plus, I don't think Uno's does candlelit dinners or has a beachside view like my apartment. I don't even try and I'm so romantic!

                                                           That blue part is the ocean.

Sidenote, rolling around on the beach with one you may or may not be attracted to is not as romantic as it sounds. As in you get sand in your mouth. As in you will sweep three times for the next day and wash your sheets twice and STILL find those pesky pieces of rock everywhere.

These posts are kind of short, so maybe I'll include a youtube video from Connell and my collection. If you haven't already seen it, Connell and my wall-to-wall on Facebook since about 2010 has been ridden with the internet's best baby animal videos, focusing heavily on puppies and kittens. Definitely a must-see, especially if you don't mind a wasting at least an hour afterwards in the black hole of cute animal videos on YouTube. I'll leave you with one of my favorites:

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